Elias was not extubated today. Actually, I should have known this last night because he was not receiving any steroid treatments to help with any swelling from the tube. As mentioned before, he had trouble on Monday when his tube had to be changed. This was certainly another example of Elias leading us down the right path. After consulting the ENT specialist today, Dr. Mena realized the information was slightly misinterpreted with regards to going in to remove the granulation tissue if he was not successful. There is such a procedure, but only if the granulation is higher. The point it exists in Elias is an extremely dangerous area for this surgery, with too many risks. There is a major artery in the area that could have fatal complications should anything not go precisely as it should. So this is not an option for Elias. If for some reason he does not "fly" as they call it, the ENT specialist will meet with us to discuss the options. So for now the plan is to attempt extubation on Monday morning.
The dye study that was done on his urinary tract came back with only a few problems, which is actually a good thing. They could not find a fistula (abnormal connection) anywhere which they believed might exist. They did find that his urethra is smaller and a little short,which raises the risk for certain types of infections. This is actually fairly common and usually corrects itself. Elias is receiving amoxicillin to safe guard against possible infections.
Today was a fairly calm day. Elias slept the whole day while I was there. I think a lot of it had to do with the tweaking of the morphine dose to not over sedate him. I did get to hold him for about 2 hours. I think I actually dozed off myself for a few minutes, we were both so relaxed. With the quiet weekend and nothing planned for Elias we hope to get some more pictures and video. It's been a few weeks since we have had anything to video and we know how much everyone enjoys them. It must be because he is so darn adorable!! I know Elias is looking forward to his Mommy coming back tomorrow, and so am I. Goodnight everyone!
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