Friday, October 30, 2009

Some Culture Results


Some of the cultures have come back for Elias. It appears he has a negative gram rod urinary tract infection. While he is on amoxicillin as a prophylaxes for this the negative gram rods are apparently not covered under that. There apparently was discussion about giving him Bactrim for this, but we have questioned that it be evaluated for another option as Bactrim is a marrow suppressant. We are still awaiting word about that or to even talk to someone about it. Of course it is Friday late afternoon so no one is around and no one wants to make a decision for fear of being yelled at on Monday. We will give them the benefit of the doubt as it is a new resident team that began today. But that is typically how things work on the weekend as you hear about often. They can not avoid it though, it is not like he can wait beginning his antibiotics. Stay tuned!

Elias himself seems to be doing fine though despite the infection. He was very playful today and did well during therapy. Child life came by delivering Trick-or-Treat bags to all the kids. Elias bag had a stuffed walrus, fittingly from Dr. Seuss, and toy dump truck (which Elias has fallen in love with), and a book of the Little People. While Elias himself is not really missing anything for Halloween because of his age I am sure that the older kids got a lifted spirit from the age appropriate goodies they handed out. Grandma M amongst the many goodies she brought for Elias had a copy of the Incredibles for him. He loves the beginning 5 –10 minutes of that movie. He was cracking up and I’m talking full belly laugh. So hard in fact we had to suction him he was laughing so hard. I replayed it again this afternoon and got the same reaction, it was great! Not much else to report on. We are really looking forward to getting home, sometime soon!

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