It is never good when you get a call from the hospital at 6pm on a Saturday. It was the FA BMT on call with some results from the culture we had sent yesterday. It was already growing positive for E coli. So the search was on for a local 24 hour pharmacy, which we finally found. So Elias will begin treatment tonight for this. This certainly explains why he was vomiting as much as he has been. Today has been better, but we also countered by lowering the feeding rate. We did that last evening and have only had limited instances of vomiting since. We are going to keep it this way for awhile, at least until the medicine course is complete. After learning more about the mucus fistula and the connection to the urinary tract this finding makes things a little more urgent to get this resolved and try to find a prophylaxis that can keep things at bay until that time arrives.
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