It was two years ago that we were told the results for Elias Fanconi Anemia test had come back positive. The one diagnosis we did not want. It was just one day after our third wedding anniversary. The doctors had so desperately pushed to have a meeting on October 8th, but by the grace of GOD our itinerary would not allow it. That would have placed a very somber cloud over an otherwise joyous day. It did take a little luster out of Elias’ initial homecoming just a week later. We have come a long way as a family and Elias, despite set backs has really started to flourish. Yesterday we celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. The best gift of all was having Elias home with us. This was the first in which Elias had not been hospitalized during this time. What a blessing! This anniversary really gave us a chance to reflect and evaluate many things in our life. It has certainly been a rocky few years with many challenges. It has been these times that have made us appreciate our wedding vows to each other. It is important to live these words not just say them. To quote a friend,
“Love is taking the good with the bad.. .in sickness and health to death do us apart. Why don't people understand that love is feast and famine? It isn't always about having what you want... it is about making it work because you are stronger together than apart”
This quote is ever so true! Our response and addition to that,
“We thank God for each other every day and know we could not go through all we are with Elias with any other. If you take the time to embrace each other during the storms you'll find that walking through the rain is easier than you think. And when the sun shines again you truly appreciate the beauty your love has to offer.”
While things have changed a great deal in the past few years one thing has and will remain constant, our love as a family. That is what pulls us through the tough times and has us rejoicing the wonderful ones. We try to look at tomorrow as something to look forward to and not something to dread. This week we have been particularly reminded of how devastating FA can be. Watching a child and his family endure the most difficult time while waiting for their child to pass any moment. There are several other FAmily’s that are also having difficult times with various issues. It has been a rough week on our community. These moments shape us should we desire them to or not. It is the reality of FA, one that if any of us could would abolish. Thank you all for your continued support, thoughts and prayers. We will continue to need it as we moved forward to face Elias new challenges. God Bless us all!

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