Last night we were able to bring Elias home from the hospital. We were quite shocked to say the least, but were not going to argue either. We believe they realized there wasn’t much else they were going to be able to do there that couldn’t be done by us at home. At this point Elias just needs time to recover from the sheer amount of stress these two surgeries have inflicted. He is still in quite a bit of pain and this in tandem with his platelet and hemoglobin losses really has him very tired and weak. The photos are from last night after we got him settled here at home. He looks weak and you can see the weight he has lost over the past three weeks. Weight he could not afford to lose. He lost nearly a
pound and a half! He has shown a few signs of life and improvement. He certainly recognizes he is at home and we hope that translates into quicker recovery. We did get positive news that his platelets had rebounded some, up to 102 from 88! That is a relief to be heading in the right direction after such concern being expressed by his bone marrow doctors. He is still on pain medicine and we need to work on getting him back to his typical feeding schedule. Right now we are doing slow continuous feeds around the clock for a few days before we attempt to modify that. All in all we are just happy to be under one roof together. It didn’t really matter where, but it is much sweeter being here at home. On this Thanksgiving Day we are thankful for many blessings. We hope that you and yours are able to appreciate your blessings. We ask that you remember other members of our FA Family. There are many who are in the hospital this day for Transplant, cancer treatment, as well as, struggles with issues related to Fanconi Anemia. Especially keep the Lytles in your prayers as their little boy Joshua is fighting for his life today. The doctors are struggling to even keep him comfortable. Let there be a miracle, please! There are also a few families that have recently loss their children to this terrible disease. We are thinking of those families as well. Thank you for all of the continued thoughts and prayers. We hope that each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for the several reasons you have to hope for a more rapid recovery! He looks just as you describe him but the comfort you and his mom feel is bound to flow onto him. Barbara