Apparently Elias has been making great use of his time in the NICU and studying hard enough to make medical decisions. We knew he was destined for greatness, but this just proves it. He has been leading the doctors, as you know, down many paths. Often showing them things they were not looking for. Well, this morning was no different. Elias made his own medical decision to extubate himself this morning, while the doctors pondered on when and how to take the step. Elias simply had enough of the tube. Rather than reintubate him they figured since it was out, go ahead and try the SiPAP. He seems to be doing well on this as of right now.
Now for the real story, or at least the one the medical professionals want you to hear. hahaha!!! They were drawing blood on Elias again and he was not happy about it. He became very agitated and squirmy to the point where he pulled his tube right out. He is absolutely amazing.
How amazing is he!!!!! He sounds like he's a little stubborn - maybe got a little of his dad in him, hehe :)