Elias was doing much much better today. As usual he bounced back from a horrible day. It was mostly due to the central line leak causing his medications to not reach the points it needed to be effective. As mentioned before they moved his NG tube into his mouth. The central line will come out in the morning, but it is still undecided if they will replace this or try something else. Right now he has an IV line in his head that they are using only as needed. The plan is still to try and extubate this week and put him on a nasal SiPaP which will help maintain pressure with airflow on the lungs. A lot depends on Elias and how he reacts to the preparations. They have continued the steroids and the decongestant drops, so that is a good sign. Now that the feeding tube is in his mouth as well they really seem to want to get the vent tube out. It does seem as though both tubes are a tad uncomfortable. We will see what tomorrow brings in terms of decisions and time lines.
We took some video and photos today. I have the video edited & up but I'm still working on the pictures. It might be a day or so before they are ready, but I'll have them up ASAP.
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