Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day After Surgery

Elias continues to do well. He is still having some obvious pain in the surgery site, but his pain meds pretty much keep him asleep and somewhat comfortable. He did manage a few smiles today, but you could tell the little guy was still feeling it, bless his heart! Tomorrow the pain should become discomfort and he will be closer to himself again. We are going to try and start weaning the narcotic pain medication tomorrow.

We are both exhausted, we do have a nurse coming in tonight, but not until midnight. Neither one of us has really been able to get any sleep, despite trying to take shifts. Tomorrow night we will only have a nurse from 1 am - 6am. It is better than nothing I suppose, but we will certainly continue to both be exhausted. There just is not enough energy to get things done outside of caring for Elias. This has by far been the most taxing week and most physically draining.

Tomorrow will be very low key. Hopefully, we can have Elias watch his first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. One day he can hear about when daddy performed in that parade! Wow, that was 12 years ago, seems like yesterday. We are making a few comfort food items, and of course watching "Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving & Christmas" as we do every year, but for the most part nothing real special. We will probably spend some of the day if the energy level allows doing some of the odds and ends we have had to neglect. Just being here at home rather than the hospital is enough for us. This has been a very difficult year, and there will be many other challenging ones ahead, but for now we are thankful for having our family, the three of us, under one roof! While we certainly wish we could travel to be with family tomorrow, it is just not something we are able to do. We will be thinking of you all and hope that each of your thanksgivings are as wonderful as ours will be.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad Elias did well in surgery and I hope he feels better soon. Enjoy your holiday.


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