Tonight while doing our daily flushing of Elias central line we noticed a small bulge in the line. It is tiny, smaller than a pea, but at first we thought there was air in the line, which is VERY BAD! We scrubbed and placed a saline filled syringe back on the cap to draw back to check for air or clots. The bulge stayed the same size and the blood return was normal and consistent. That was promising. We contacted the Bone Marrow Doctor on call at the hospital to discuss this concern and see if we needed to get Elias into the ER or if it could wait. He will be admitted tomorrow for surgery prep with the colostomy reversal (and the rest of the surgical party) on Monday. The BMT doctor was fine with us waiting until we check in tomorrow and have it assessed then. This does tend to happen when there are weak points in the line. This will need to be repaired and hopefully they can or that could be bad news. Elias venous access is still very poor. So this line is critical for surgery, meds and IVIG. We feel better after having discussed it with the doctor, but we are still hoping that it will not postpone the surgery or that the line will have to be pulled. We will keep everyone posted on this development as well as Elias progress and recovery. We are not certain what time Elias will go into surgery on Monday, but as soon as we have any details and are able to share we will. Thank you in advance for all your thoughts and prayers.

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